A fully digital dermatology pathway

A unique digi-dermatology service your patients can benefit from: rapid assesment and appropriate treatment.


In partnership with the NHS logo

Circle Integrated Care has a fully virtual highly skilled team that provide support for over 1.3m NHS patients. Our unique virtual dermatology service combines digital and face to face dermatology care that will meet the clinical needs of the patient, within a service that is highly accessible. UK trained Consultant Dermatologists and highly qualified Consultant and Specialist Nurses underpin the service, with their virtual expert care now available to patients throughout the UK.

Our approach means patient flow can be maintained, by providing extra workforce capacity and delivering care virtually or within our community locations.


Quality and outcomes

Quality care - Circle Group only utilises CCT-holding/UK trained clinical professionals

In one of our services, our teledermatology pathway prevented 7,700 patients from needing a secondary care appointment and saved the CCG £890K

Circle have experience of delivering over 11,000 specialist skin treatments and interventions every year

Contact details

If you would like further information, or to learn how this virtual pathway could work for your patients, please get in contact:

01234 639000

[email protected]