A virtual appointment is a telephone call where our expert clinicians can undertake an assessment of your problem. This is a convenient way for you to be assessed without the need to travel or to take too much time out of your day.
This allows the clinician to find out about your symptoms and how they are affecting you. Most information that a clinician needs to work out what is going on with your body comes from what you tell them during the assessment. You may be asked to perform some movements during the assessment, and your feedback on how these movements feel also gives valuable information for the consultation. Clinicians are experienced in how to assess patients over the phone to ensure that we can reach an accurate diagnosis.
We now know, from a wealth of research, that a virtual assessment can be just as good as a face-to-face assessment for most people with an MSK condition and the clinician can help you just as effectively.
After the assessment, clinicians can discuss different treatment options with you. They can request any investigations you may need, or refer you to another service if this is the best management for you.